Saying Goodbye

Goodbyes are hard!

I sit here near the departure gate watching people wave goodbye to their loved ones. There’re tears, there’s laughter, there’s longing, maybe regret for the words still left unsaid and possibly joy within all that too, for the time spent so far.

In A Man called Ove, which I’m currently reading, author Fredrick Backman says, “We always think there’s enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like ‘if’.”

Relationships are all about hellos and goodbyes and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in the moment. Being brave enough to be vulnerable and to say all that is within our hearts. It is the only way we can connect in an emotional and honest way with another human.

I’m realising more and more how much technology steals the time we should instead be spending on creating opportunities to build our relationships.

Yesterday I left my phone at home to have dinner with my family. It was like a weird internal itch where I reached for my non-existent phone every time there was a silence (these are very short lived in our family!). Without realising it I have become dependant on this little block in my hand that helps fill the silence. Today I spent the entire flight with my phone in the overhead locker and my mind felt rested and able to think and daydream.

I’m going to trial this more. To remember that there’s not always enough time with our loved ones.

But for now I’ve said temporary, fond goodbyes to my family and I’m off to say hello and build on an old, loving relationship with my best friend, over two whole weeks and I can’t wait! 😊

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